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.Vivid Intense Fluid Acrylics | 10PC set 4oz permanent colors | Van Dyke Brown, Indian Yellow, Mars Violet, Chromium Green, Alizarin Rose, Phthalo Turquoise, Indigo Blue-Black, Phthalo Blue red shade, Vermillion Red-Orange, Deep Violet. with Free Bottle ClearMedium List Price: $ 222.35


..NEW Leslie’s Personal PrizmPour Stash BIG Bottles 153 BIG 8oz Bottles | List price $3442

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z Master Big Set 314-Colors Primary Elements Set | List Price $3925| Your Price $3650.25




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SKU: PE 300-set Category:


Our original Primary Elements dry paint pigment collection are semi-translucent/translucent color families. When layering colors on top of each other, you see color shifting-thru color. Mix with Vivid Enamel or PolyPour our enamel varnish blend for your favorite paint projects/

For those of us doing fluid art many times, we are layering colors on the top of a WET WHITE paint base. The translucency of the PE when tilted and stretched creates a glazing effect on the edges of your artwork.

African Jade 30ml Jar Desert Clay 30ml Jar Malachite 30ml Jar Rich Cobalt 30ml Jar
Almond Beige 30ml Jar Douglas Fir 30ml Jar Mallard Green 30ml Jar Rich Cocoa 30ml Jar
Amber Bronze 30ml Jar Dragonfire 30 ml Jar Mandarin Blush 30ml Jar Robins Egg 30ml Jar
Amber Wing 30ml Jar Dragonfly Wing 30ml Jar Mandarin Citrine 30ml Jar Rose Gold 30ml Jar
Ancient Coin 30ml Jar Dreams Bloom 30ml Jar Mango Freeze 30 ml Jar Rose Petal 30ml Jar
Apple Blossom 30ml Jar Dreamsicle 30ml Jar Mango Mamba 30ml Jar Rose Quartz 30ml Jar
Apple Rose 30ml Jar Dutch Iris 30ml Jar Marigold 30ml Jar Royal Orchid 30ml Jar
Apricot Nectar 30ml Jar Emerald 30ml Jar Marmalade 30ml Jar Royal Satin 30ml Jar
Aquarius 30ml Jar Enchanted Forest 30ml Jar Mediterranean Blue 30ml Jar Rubilite 30ml Jar
Arabian Sea 30ml Jar English Lavender 30ml Jar Meridian Blue 30ml Jar Ruby Red 30ml Jar
Arctic Opal 30ml Jar Eucalyptus 30ml Jar Mermaid Scales 30ml Jar Rusted Bloom 30ml Jar
Aspen Leaf 30ml Jar Evening Primrose 30ml Jar Midori Melon 30ml Jar Rustic Earth 30ml Jar
Aubergine 30ml Jar Evergreen 30ml Jar Mint Julep 30ml Jar Sage 30ml Jar
Autumn Butternut 30ml Jar Fairy Plum 30ml Jar Mocha Rose 30ml Jar Sand Dollar 30ml Jar
Autumn Leaf 30ml Jar Fairy Wings 30ml Jar Moonbeams 30ml  Jar Sapphire On Ice 30ml Jar
Autumn Skies 30ml Jar Falling Star 30ml Jar Moss Agate 30ml Jar Sassafras 30ml Jar
Azure Moon 30ml Jar Fantasia 30ml Jar Moss Green 30ml Jar Sea Dancer 30ml Jar
Azurite 30ml Jar Fennel Flower 30ml Jar Mulberry30ml Jar Sea Glass 30ml Jar
Baby’s Breath 30ml Jar Fern 30ml Jar Mustard Green 30ml Jar Sea Goddess 30ml Jar
Bashful Blue 30ml Jar Firefly 30ml Jar Mystic Blue 30ml Jar Sea Spray 30ml Jar
Be Mine 30ml Jar Fireworks 30ml Jar Mystique 30 ml Jar Serenity Rose 30ml Jar
Beachouse Blue 30ml Jar Flamingo Feather 30ml Jar Nantucket Blues 30ml Jar Shadow Moon 30ml Jar
Bellagio Blue 30ml Jar Forest Green 30ml Jar Natural Linen 30ml Jar Shy Rose 30ml Jar
Bells of Ireland 30ml Jar Fragrant Thyme 30ml Jar Navajo Pearl 30ml Jar Sky Blue 30ml Jar
Bitter Lime 30ml Jar Freesia 30ml Jar Nebula Star 30ml Jar Snapdragon 30ml Jar
Black Cherry 30ml Jar French Kiss 30ml Jar Nightfall 30ml Jar Spanish Moss 30 ml Jar
Black Emerald 30ml Jar French Lilac 30ml Jar Northern Lights 30ml Jar Spiced Plum 30ml Jar
Black Orchid 30ml Jar French Vanilla 30ml Jar Nutmeg 30ml Jar Spiced Pumpkin 30ml Jar
Bleeding Heart 30ml Jar Fresh Oregano 30ml Jar Nutty Oak 30ml Jar Spicy Apricot 30ml Jar
Blissful Bordeaux 30ml Jar Fresh Pine 30ml Jar Ocean Wave 30ml Jar Splendor in the Grass 30ml Jar
Blue Bayou 30ml Jar Fuzzy Peach 30ml Jar Oceanus 30ml Jar Stargazer 30ml Jar
Blue Flame 30ml Jar Garnet 30ml Jar Olive Vine 30ml Jar Starlight 30ml Jar
Blue Grass 30ml Jar Georgia Peach 30ml Jar Orange Peel 30ml Jar Sugar Plum 30ml Jar
Blue Grotto 30ml Jar Ginger Flower 30ml Jar Over the Moon 30ml Jar Summer Breeze 30ml Jar
Blue Ice 30ml Jar Ginger Peach 30ml Jar Pale Porcelain 30ml Jar Sunburst 30ml Jar
Blue Zircon 30ml Jar Go Navy 30ml Jar Pallazio 30ml Jar Sunflower 30ml Jar
Blushing Caramel 30ml Jar Gold Dust 30ml Jar Pandora’s Star 30ml Jar Sunset Glow 30 ml Jar
Blushing Pumpkin 30ml Jar Golden Bamboo 30ml Jar Papaya Coco 30ml Jar Sweet Alfalfa 30ml Jar
Blushing Rose 30ml Jar Golden Jade 30ml Jar Papillon 30ml Jar Sweet Lavender 30ml Jar
Bolivian Blue 30ml Jar Golden Monarch 30ml Jar Passion Fruit 30ml Jar Sweet Pea 30ml Jar
Bougainvillea 30ml Jar Golden Opal 30ml Jar Passion 30ml Jar Sweet Thistle 30ml Jar
Boysenberry 30ml Jar Golden Sand 30ml Jar Payne’s Gray 30ml Jar Sweet Tooth 30ml Jar
Burnt Umber 30ml Jar Good News Green 30ml Jar Peacock Feather 30ml Jar SweeTart 30ml Jar
Butter Toffee 30ml Jar Greek Isle 30ml Jar Pear Blossom 30ml Jar Tahitian Blue 30ml Jar
Buttercup 30ml Jar Green Tea 30 ml Jar s Peppermint Taffy 30ml Jar Tangerine Dream 30ml Jar
Butterfly Wing 30ml Jar Guatemalan Green 30ml Jar Periwinkle 30ml Jar Tango Pink 30ml Jar
Calypso 30ml Jar Harvest Moon Persian Teal 30ml Jar Tanzanite 30ml Jar
Candied Yams 30ml Jar Harvest Sol 30ml Jar Persimmon 30ml Jar Teal Zircon 30ml Jar
Candy Apple 30ml Jar Heavenly Bamboo 30ml Jar Pewter 30ml Jar Temptation 30ml Jar
Caribbean Mist 30ml Honey Amber 30ml Jar Pineapple Crush 30ml Jar Tempted Tulip 30ml Jar
Carmen 30ml Jar Hopeful Honeysuckle 30ml Jar Pink Anthurium 30ml Jar Terracotta Rose 30ml Jar
Carnival 30ml Jar Hot Cinnamon 30ml Jar Pink Azalea 30ml Jar Tiger Lily 30 ml Jar
Cedar Wood 30ml Jar Hot Tamale 30ml Jar Pink Cloud 30ml Jar Tropic Blue 30ml Jar
Celedon 30ml Jar Huckleberry 30ml Jar Pink Crocus 30ml Jar Tropical Splash 30ml Jar
Celestial Sun 30ml Jar Hunter Gray 30ml Jar Pink Grapefruit30ml Jar True Blue 30ml Jar
Ceylon Cinnamon 30ml Jar Hydrangea 30ml Jar Pink Lemonade 30ml Jar Twilight 30 ml Jar
Chambord 30ml Jar Icy Flame Jar Pink Orchid 30ml Jar Twisted Lemon 30ml Jar
Cherry Sorbet 30ml Jar Icy Iris 30ml Jar Pink Parasol 30ml Jar Vanilla Bean 30ml Jar
Chestnut Brown 30ml Jar Iris Petal 30ml Jar Pinky Swear 30ml Jar Vavoom Red 30ml Jar
Chiffon Pink 30ml Jar Irish Mist 30ml Jar Pixie Dust 30ml Jar Venetian Red 30ml Jar
Chrysocolla 30ml Jar Jasmine 30ml Jar Playful Peony 30ml Jar Vintage Mint 30ml
Cinnamon Brown 30ml Jar Jasper Red 30ml Jar Plum Blossom 30ml Jar Warm Caramel 30ml Jar
Cinnamon Stick 30ml Jar Juicy Pear 30ml Jar Plum Crazy 30ml Jar Warm Gray 30ml Jar
Citrine Druzy 30ml Jar Just Peachy 30ml Jar Plumeria 30ml Jar Warm Pecan 30ml Jar
Cool Water 30ml Jar Key Lime 30ml Jar Poison Ivy 30ml Jar Warm Sienna 30ml Jar
Copper Penny 30ml Jar Kiwi 30ml Jar Pomegranate 30ml Jar Watermelon Mist30ml Jar
Coral Berry 30ml Jar Laguna Azul 30ml Jar Poppy Red 30ml Jar Wild Blueberry 30ml Jar
Cosmos 30ml Jar Lemondrop 30ml Jar Pretty Peridot 30ml Jar Wild Plum 30ml Jar
Courageous Rose 30ml Jar Lemongrass 30ml Jar Prussian Violet 30ml Jar Wild Vine 30ml Jar
Crabapple 30ml Jar Lime Squeeze 30ml Jar Purple Sage 30ml Jar Willow Blue 30ml Jar
Cranberry 30ml Jar Love Struck 30ml Jar Purplelicious 30ml Jar Wine & Roses 30ml Jar
Crushed Velvet 30ml Jar Lucky Apple 30ml Jar Rain Forest 30ml Jar Winter Mint 30ml Jar
Cupids Crush 30ml Jar Luv-U-Pink 30 ml Jar Raspberry Wine 30 ml Jar Wintermist Gray
Daffodil 30ml Jar Mahogany 30ml Jar Razzleberry 30ml Jar Wisteria 30ml Jar
Deep Coral 30ml Jar Majestic Blue 30ml Jar Rhapsody Rose 30ml Jar Yellow Rose 30ml Jar


. Vivid Enamel 32oz. PolyPour

Additional information

Weight 12 lbs
Dimensions 12 in