Our original Primary Elements dry paint pigment collection are semi-translucent/translucent color families. When layering colors on top of each other, you see color shifting-thru color. Mix with Vivid Enamel or PolyPour our enamel varnish blend for your favorite paint projects/
For those of us doing fluid art many times, we are layering colors on the top of a WET WHITE paint base. The translucency of the PE when tilted and stretched creates a glazing effect on the edges of your artwork.
African Jade 30ml Jar | Desert Clay 30ml Jar | Malachite 30ml Jar | Rich Cobalt 30ml Jar |
Almond Beige 30ml Jar | Douglas Fir 30ml Jar | Mallard Green 30ml Jar | Rich Cocoa 30ml Jar |
Amber Bronze 30ml Jar | Dragonfire 30 ml Jar | Mandarin Blush 30ml Jar | Robins Egg 30ml Jar |
Amber Wing 30ml Jar | Dragonfly Wing 30ml Jar | Mandarin Citrine 30ml Jar | Rose Gold 30ml Jar |
Ancient Coin 30ml Jar | Dreams Bloom 30ml Jar | Mango Freeze 30 ml Jar | Rose Petal 30ml Jar |
Apple Blossom 30ml Jar | Dreamsicle 30ml Jar | Mango Mamba 30ml Jar | Rose Quartz 30ml Jar |
Apple Rose 30ml Jar | Dutch Iris 30ml Jar | Marigold 30ml Jar | Royal Orchid 30ml Jar |
Apricot Nectar 30ml Jar | Emerald 30ml Jar | Marmalade 30ml Jar | Royal Satin 30ml Jar |
Aquarius 30ml Jar | Enchanted Forest 30ml Jar | Mediterranean Blue 30ml Jar | Rubilite 30ml Jar |
Arabian Sea 30ml Jar | English Lavender 30ml Jar | Meridian Blue 30ml Jar | Ruby Red 30ml Jar |
Arctic Opal 30ml Jar | Eucalyptus 30ml Jar | Mermaid Scales 30ml Jar | Rusted Bloom 30ml Jar |
Aspen Leaf 30ml Jar | Evening Primrose 30ml Jar | Midori Melon 30ml Jar | Rustic Earth 30ml Jar |
Aubergine 30ml Jar | Evergreen 30ml Jar | Mint Julep 30ml Jar | Sage 30ml Jar |
Autumn Butternut 30ml Jar | Fairy Plum 30ml Jar | Mocha Rose 30ml Jar | Sand Dollar 30ml Jar |
Autumn Leaf 30ml Jar | Fairy Wings 30ml Jar | Moonbeams 30ml Jar | Sapphire On Ice 30ml Jar |
Autumn Skies 30ml Jar | Falling Star 30ml Jar | Moss Agate 30ml Jar | Sassafras 30ml Jar |
Azure Moon 30ml Jar | Fantasia 30ml Jar | Moss Green 30ml Jar | Sea Dancer 30ml Jar |
Azurite 30ml Jar | Fennel Flower 30ml Jar | Mulberry30ml Jar | Sea Glass 30ml Jar |
Baby’s Breath 30ml Jar | Fern 30ml Jar | Mustard Green 30ml Jar | Sea Goddess 30ml Jar |
Bashful Blue 30ml Jar | Firefly 30ml Jar | Mystic Blue 30ml Jar | Sea Spray 30ml Jar |
Be Mine 30ml Jar | Fireworks 30ml Jar | Mystique 30 ml Jar | Serenity Rose 30ml Jar |
Beachouse Blue 30ml Jar | Flamingo Feather 30ml Jar | Nantucket Blues 30ml Jar | Shadow Moon 30ml Jar |
Bellagio Blue 30ml Jar | Forest Green 30ml Jar | Natural Linen 30ml Jar | Shy Rose 30ml Jar |
Bells of Ireland 30ml Jar | Fragrant Thyme 30ml Jar | Navajo Pearl 30ml Jar | Sky Blue 30ml Jar |
Bitter Lime 30ml Jar | Freesia 30ml Jar | Nebula Star 30ml Jar | Snapdragon 30ml Jar |
Black Cherry 30ml Jar | French Kiss 30ml Jar | Nightfall 30ml Jar | Spanish Moss 30 ml Jar |
Black Emerald 30ml Jar | French Lilac 30ml Jar | Northern Lights 30ml Jar | Spiced Plum 30ml Jar |
Black Orchid 30ml Jar | French Vanilla 30ml Jar | Nutmeg 30ml Jar | Spiced Pumpkin 30ml Jar |
Bleeding Heart 30ml Jar | Fresh Oregano 30ml Jar | Nutty Oak 30ml Jar | Spicy Apricot 30ml Jar |
Blissful Bordeaux 30ml Jar | Fresh Pine 30ml Jar | Ocean Wave 30ml Jar | Splendor in the Grass 30ml Jar |
Blue Bayou 30ml Jar | Fuzzy Peach 30ml Jar | Oceanus 30ml Jar | Stargazer 30ml Jar |
Blue Flame 30ml Jar | Garnet 30ml Jar | Olive Vine 30ml Jar | Starlight 30ml Jar |
Blue Grass 30ml Jar | Georgia Peach 30ml Jar | Orange Peel 30ml Jar | Sugar Plum 30ml Jar |
Blue Grotto 30ml Jar | Ginger Flower 30ml Jar | Over the Moon 30ml Jar | Summer Breeze 30ml Jar |
Blue Ice 30ml Jar | Ginger Peach 30ml Jar | Pale Porcelain 30ml Jar | Sunburst 30ml Jar |
Blue Zircon 30ml Jar | Go Navy 30ml Jar | Pallazio 30ml Jar | Sunflower 30ml Jar |
Blushing Caramel 30ml Jar | Gold Dust 30ml Jar | Pandora’s Star 30ml Jar | Sunset Glow 30 ml Jar |
Blushing Pumpkin 30ml Jar | Golden Bamboo 30ml Jar | Papaya Coco 30ml Jar | Sweet Alfalfa 30ml Jar |
Blushing Rose 30ml Jar | Golden Jade 30ml Jar | Papillon 30ml Jar | Sweet Lavender 30ml Jar |
Bolivian Blue 30ml Jar | Golden Monarch 30ml Jar | Passion Fruit 30ml Jar | Sweet Pea 30ml Jar |
Bougainvillea 30ml Jar | Golden Opal 30ml Jar | Passion 30ml Jar | Sweet Thistle 30ml Jar |
Boysenberry 30ml Jar | Golden Sand 30ml Jar | Payne’s Gray 30ml Jar | Sweet Tooth 30ml Jar |
Burnt Umber 30ml Jar | Good News Green 30ml Jar | Peacock Feather 30ml Jar | SweeTart 30ml Jar |
Butter Toffee 30ml Jar | Greek Isle 30ml Jar | Pear Blossom 30ml Jar | Tahitian Blue 30ml Jar |
Buttercup 30ml Jar | Green Tea 30 ml Jar s | Peppermint Taffy 30ml Jar | Tangerine Dream 30ml Jar |
Butterfly Wing 30ml Jar | Guatemalan Green 30ml Jar | Periwinkle 30ml Jar | Tango Pink 30ml Jar |
Calypso 30ml Jar | Harvest Moon | Persian Teal 30ml Jar | Tanzanite 30ml Jar |
Candied Yams 30ml Jar | Harvest Sol 30ml Jar | Persimmon 30ml Jar | Teal Zircon 30ml Jar |
Candy Apple 30ml Jar | Heavenly Bamboo 30ml Jar | Pewter 30ml Jar | Temptation 30ml Jar |
Caribbean Mist 30ml | Honey Amber 30ml Jar | Pineapple Crush 30ml Jar | Tempted Tulip 30ml Jar |
Carmen 30ml Jar | Hopeful Honeysuckle 30ml Jar | Pink Anthurium 30ml Jar | Terracotta Rose 30ml Jar |
Carnival 30ml Jar | Hot Cinnamon 30ml Jar | Pink Azalea 30ml Jar | Tiger Lily 30 ml Jar |
Cedar Wood 30ml Jar | Hot Tamale 30ml Jar | Pink Cloud 30ml Jar | Tropic Blue 30ml Jar |
Celedon 30ml Jar | Huckleberry 30ml Jar | Pink Crocus 30ml Jar | Tropical Splash 30ml Jar |
Celestial Sun 30ml Jar | Hunter Gray 30ml Jar | Pink Grapefruit30ml Jar | True Blue 30ml Jar |
Ceylon Cinnamon 30ml Jar | Hydrangea 30ml Jar | Pink Lemonade 30ml Jar | Twilight 30 ml Jar |
Chambord 30ml Jar | Icy Flame Jar | Pink Orchid 30ml Jar | Twisted Lemon 30ml Jar |
Cherry Sorbet 30ml Jar | Icy Iris 30ml Jar | Pink Parasol 30ml Jar | Vanilla Bean 30ml Jar |
Chestnut Brown 30ml Jar | Iris Petal 30ml Jar | Pinky Swear 30ml Jar | Vavoom Red 30ml Jar |
Chiffon Pink 30ml Jar | Irish Mist 30ml Jar | Pixie Dust 30ml Jar | Venetian Red 30ml Jar |
Chrysocolla 30ml Jar | Jasmine 30ml Jar | Playful Peony 30ml Jar | Vintage Mint 30ml |
Cinnamon Brown 30ml Jar | Jasper Red 30ml Jar | Plum Blossom 30ml Jar | Warm Caramel 30ml Jar |
Cinnamon Stick 30ml Jar | Juicy Pear 30ml Jar | Plum Crazy 30ml Jar | Warm Gray 30ml Jar |
Citrine Druzy 30ml Jar | Just Peachy 30ml Jar | Plumeria 30ml Jar | Warm Pecan 30ml Jar |
Cool Water 30ml Jar | Key Lime 30ml Jar | Poison Ivy 30ml Jar | Warm Sienna 30ml Jar |
Copper Penny 30ml Jar | Kiwi 30ml Jar | Pomegranate 30ml Jar | Watermelon Mist30ml Jar |
Coral Berry 30ml Jar | Laguna Azul 30ml Jar | Poppy Red 30ml Jar | Wild Blueberry 30ml Jar |
Cosmos 30ml Jar | Lemondrop 30ml Jar | Pretty Peridot 30ml Jar | Wild Plum 30ml Jar |
Courageous Rose 30ml Jar | Lemongrass 30ml Jar | Prussian Violet 30ml Jar | Wild Vine 30ml Jar |
Crabapple 30ml Jar | Lime Squeeze 30ml Jar | Purple Sage 30ml Jar | Willow Blue 30ml Jar |
Cranberry 30ml Jar | Love Struck 30ml Jar | Purplelicious 30ml Jar | Wine & Roses 30ml Jar |
Crushed Velvet 30ml Jar | Lucky Apple 30ml Jar | Rain Forest 30ml Jar | Winter Mint 30ml Jar |
Cupids Crush 30ml Jar | Luv-U-Pink 30 ml Jar | Raspberry Wine 30 ml Jar | Wintermist Gray |
Daffodil 30ml Jar | Mahogany 30ml Jar | Razzleberry 30ml Jar | Wisteria 30ml Jar |
Deep Coral 30ml Jar | Majestic Blue 30ml Jar | Rhapsody Rose 30ml Jar | Yellow Rose 30ml Jar |
. Vivid Enamel 32oz. PolyPour