Our original Primary Elements dry paint pigment collection are semi-translucent/translucent color families. When layering colors on top of each other, you see color shifting-thru color. Mix with Vivid Enamel or PolyPour our enamel varnish blend for your favorite paint projects/
For those of us doing fluid art many times, we are layering colors on the top of a WET WHITE paint base. The translucency of the PE when tilted and stretched creates a glazing effect on the edges of your artwork.
Citrine Druzy: Sparkling citrine gold in a shimmering red pearl
Fragrant Thyme: Pale green color shift lights
Cosmos: Pastel red-violet on Golden pearls
Shadow Moon: Violet in a blue-violet pearl color shift
Sea Dancer: Turquoise blue in a green pearl color shift
Amber Wing: Redwings of a dragonfly with violet shift
Tropical Splash: Robin’s egg blue in blue shifting pearls
Carnival: Rich red rose in shimmering red pearls
Tangerine Dream: Medium coral in blue shifting pearls
Serenity Rose: Rich Peachy Pink in red shifting pearls
Fennel Flowers: Warm canary yellow in gold pearls
Starlight Blue: Deep waterfall blue in sparkling blue pearls
The best adhesion is a clean dry non-oily surface. Clean Up Soap and Water. Store in a cool dry place.
Primary Elements Starburst Galaxy set includes (12) 15 ml jars  (24) Plastic Measuring scoops